Democratic Club of Claremont to address the Latino vote
Roberto De La Cruz, longtime community activist, will discuss “The Latino Vote: Lessons Learned and an Agenda for the Future,” at the Democratic Club of Claremont’s free and open to the public meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, November 25 at Pilgrim Place’s Napier Commons Room, 660 Avery Rd., Claremont.
Mr. De La Cruz and his family worked with Cesar Chavez in the early days of the movement to organize farmworkers. He has held various leadership positions in the United Farm Workers Union, the Service Employees International Union and Mi Familia Vote.
The program is open to the public with a brief business meeting to follow. Refreshments will be served. This is the last Democratic Club meeting of this year.
Members and Democrats interested in joining are also invited to club’s annual holiday party at 4 p.m. Sunday, December 1. Gene Boutilier and The American Institute for Progressive Democracy will be honored with the club’s Helen Myers Award for civic engagement.
For information call (909) 626-8122 or email