“My Facebook account was hacked last week. It felt like I’d been digitally burglarized, a strange reaction coming from a vocal critic of what social media is doing to us, how its poisoned our discourse and made us into reactionary outrage monkeys.”
by Cantor Paul Buch In July 2025, my family I will have been proud Claremont residents for 20 years. I know that still doesn’t truly make me a “local,” but we love our city and have no doubt it’s one of the finest places anywhere to live. We feel blessed to call the City of Trees […]
“Our democracy is clearly at an inflection point. It’s time to show some grace — there’s that controversial word — patience, and empathy, because sh!% is getting funky out there. One avenue toward solace may be in helping the vulnerable people in our community.”
By Lynne Juarez | Special to the Courier In 2017, my curiosity prompted a query: “Who are these immigrants and refugees who are traveling from their homeland to the United States?” With that question in mind I traveled to El Paso, Texas, where I spent two weeks at a refugee center operated by the Catholic […]
“With our new/old president/king dominating the headlines with his well-orchestrated flurry of wacky and dangerous executive orders, bizarre photo ops, and magical thinking, you may or may not be experiencing symptoms ranging from unease to panic, accompanied by rapid heartbeat, fury, and/or the joyless laughter of the damned. But this state of heightened anxiety is exactly what the new administration’s architects and wannabe oligarchs have in mind. You must say no to constant outrage. In the words of The Bard himself, LL Cool J, ‘I just chill. I don’t stand outside too much. I do what I gotta do and chill, man, know what I’m saying? That’s all. It’s cool.’ So, do what you gotta do, but be chill, ok?”
“In the ‘tough on crime’ 1990s, legislators enacted various statutes, including California’s Three Strikes law, designed to punish and isolate rather than rehabilitate those who commit crimes. Times have changed. From 2020 to 2024, former Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón pushed for reforms that emphasized rehabilitation. But there has been a sharp decline in public interest for criminal justice reform. Many nonprofits that donated to Gascón’s previous campaign, flourishing during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests, no longer exist. Criminal justice reform is no longer a top agenda item for many. This rapid loss of momentum reveals a troubling truth: criminal justice reform, and other forms of activism, have become trends.”
“It’s hard — if not impossible — to discern the root causes and solutions for managing the Los Angeles fires. At this point, it’s far too early for definitive answers. Yet that hasn’t stopped the flow of mis- and disinformation to the public, making it difficult to know what to believe.
When the fires were raging, President Trump seemed more focused on assigning blame to Governor Newsom and the State of California for alleged poor pre-fire management. The timing of this criticism felt odd, given the widespread public concern and the heroic efforts of first responders and other agencies. It was hardly the morale boost the situation called for.”
by Mick Rhodes | editor@claremont-courier.com Remember when we all felt smug “cutting the cord” to cable TV and sticking it to the greedy cable providers with this newfangled streaming thing? No more ads! No more bills for hundreds of channels we never watched! Hooray for technology! Then the pandemic lockdown drove us all indoors. Before March 2020 […]
“Moving to Claremont from my childhood home in Modesto last summer was the start of a new life chapter. We swiftly settled into our new routines of work and academics … then a tug of longing arose. I reminisced about volunteering back home. One October day I stepped into the Economy Shop for a peek. While a customer investigated a pair of Bluetooth headphones, the gentleman behind the counter laughed. ‘We need young minds in here to help us figure this stuff out,’ he said. That evening, I sent an email inquiry, and after an orientation session, I was on the roster.”
“At my age, you are reminded of death simply because you are older and more likely to know more people who have died. This includes family, friends, someone you used to work with, a favorite celebrity. I’m asked to provide end-of-life instructions and a power of attorney for healthcare every time I have a procedure, no matter how minor. That doesn’t let you forget either. So far — knock on wood — everything has turned out okay. But I know I have fewer days ahead of me than I do behind. It doesn’t matter when the days ahead seem endless; it’s when you start to number them that you begin to think.”
The fires had been burning out of control for such a long time. So many homes and businesses had been entirely destroyed, so many people had lost so much and endured such great adversity.
“I’ve always loved their song — gentle and soothing when light winds blew, cacophonous and urgent, like a frantic bebop band, during Santa Anas. But when the metallic clang of our ragtag band of front porch wind chimes startled me awake at 1:10 a.m. last Saturday, their tune had taken on a new foreboding. Were the winds kicking up still more tragedy? I wonder if I’ll ever feel the same way about our wind chimes, the Santa Anas, or Los Angeles.”
“I was going to write a nice little column about how Claremont has changed over the years. Then there were the fires. And, suddenly, in the blink of an eye, my column wasn’t so nice, wasn’t so little. For many of us, the fires are our story. They have so far have wiped out tens of thousands of acres, thousands of structures, and caused at least 25 deaths, and may well go on to do who knows how much more destruction. They are my story.”
In anticipation of Donald Trump’s second term and with speculation growing over potential changes to U.S. immigration and travel policies, several undergraduate Claremont Colleges have issued statements affirming their commitment to supporting international students, those protected under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and undocumented students.
“I woke early and made a pot of good coffee. Outside, bright sunshine mingled with storm clouds. The lake was blue again, magnificent, massive, and soothing. The condo had three east-facing balconies, each with a 180-degree view of the lake. I stepped outside on the top floor to take it in. Deep breaths. Gratitude. My quasi-spiritual moment was interrupted when I noticed a set of very large bear tracks in the fresh snow below, trailed by a smaller set. I alerted the kids. They were a little shaken. It seemed dad’s weekslong nagging about ursine etiquette suddenly made sense.”
“The point here is we are not necessarily obligated to jump aboard the seasonally trendy self-improvement bandwagon. Do you feel okay? Do your kids mostly like you? Are you north of bankrupt? If you answered yes to some or all of these, well then, you deserve a pat on the back and cocktail. It ain’t easy staying afloat, especially in Southern California. No need to get all nervous about your station or waistline. Take a gap year.”