Readers comments 9-1-17
Creeping parochialism
Dear Editor:
Don Fisher and Brian Desatnik both responded via letter to the recent COURIER Almanac article, “”College Creep: Fact or Fiction?” each objecting, in his own way, to the concept of college creep. College representatives Kim Lane and Claudia Pearce, quoted in the article, echoed similar sentiments.
Their statements recalled to my recollection an event from way back in 1952. General Motors CEO Charles E. Wilson, while testifying before Congress, stated, “For years I thought that what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa.”
This got me thinking, or perhaps wishing, if only our local colleges were imbued with a similar, but this time community, spirit. Perhaps something like, “For years we thought that what was good for Claremont was good for the Colleges, and vice versa.”
A spirit of mutual consideration and support.
Douglas Lyon
What to do?
Dear Editor:
Skidding toward 85, on the dole, plus too poor to afford the help of Cesar Millan, I don’t know what to do. Our Schnauzer, Charlie, has taken matters into his own teeth.
Having become a vidiot, I am somewhat addicted to watching politics on the tele these days, in lieu of a real life. But, whenever Charlie hears the word “Trump” he snarls, grabs the remote in his teeth, turning off the tele and escapes into his crate with the gadget. He won’t give it back until I promise him I’ll punch in the Animal Channel. If perchance the “T” word is mentioned on the medium the whole cycle repeats itself.
One suggestion from a well-meaning friend is that I turn off the tele, read the COURIER, Homer and old issues of the Harvard Lampoon more often until the next election, and give Charlie treats for his obvious concern for our once great nation, which was when?
Any suggestions about what I might do to gain control of the remote control? I’m not as swift as Charlie and his hearing is better than mine.
Thank you. Befuddled,
Chris Rubel
Hateful actions
Dear Editor:
The League of Women Voters continues to grapple with the hateful events that were displayed last weekend in Charlottesville. In that vein LWV would like to offer the following opportunities to act on an individual level with faith and social justice groups from around the country.
1. Call your state legislator and tell them to protect the protesters. Free speech and the right to peaceably assemble are among the cornerstones of our democracy.
2. Share your story through Communities Against Hate. If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed a hate incident, please encourage them to share their story.
3. Amplify #BeTheLightForJustice on your social media channels. Leaders in the faith and racial justice communities, including the NAACP and Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, are teaming up to share positive messages of individuals standing up for justice.
Ellen Taylor
VP for Advocacy
LWV of the Claremont Area