RSABG’s Butterfly Pavilion will take flight

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden’s Butterfly Pavilion will open on Saturday, May 9 and will remain on view through August 2.

The Butterfly Pavilion features hundreds of butterflies housed for up-close viewing, along with the California native plants they depend on for food. Insects in all stages of the lifecycle, from caterpillars to chrysalises to butterflies, will be in evidence. Look for a variety of butterflies, including west coast lady, monarch, mourning cloak, pipevine swallowtail and gulf fritillary, among others.

Tickets for the 24-by-36-foot Pavilion, which is open daily from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., are $2 per person in addition to standard Garden admission. The RSABG is located at 1500 N. College Ave. in Claremont.


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