Meetings address sanitation, street sweeping fee increases
The city has reviewed its sanitation and street sweeping fees and determined it is necessary to increase rates for sanitation and street sweeping to maintain operations and vehicle replacements.
A notice advising property owners of the proposed increases was sent to all Claremont property owners and current customers the week of April 6.
In accordance with Proposition 218, the Right to Vote on Taxes Act, each notice included a protest form, which may be submitted by property owners and/or current customers who are opposed to the proposed increase. Protest forms may be mailed or hand-delivered to the city clerk’s office, located at city hall, 207 Harvard Ave.
To be counted as a protest, the protest form must include the street address or parcel number and be signed by the property owner or customer on record. Protest forms are due to the city clerk prior to the city council public hearing. The proposed rate increases will be considered at the following public meetings:
Parks, Hillside and Utilities Committee meeting on Monday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m.; a Community and Human Services Commission meeting on Wednesday, May 6 at 7 p.m.; and a city council (public hearing) on Tuesday, May 26 at 7 p.m.
All meetings will be held in the council chamber at 225 W. Second St. The public is invited to make comment. Call (909) 399-5431 for more information.