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Police blotter 11-08-13

Man with outstanding warrants in wrong place, at wrong time

On Friday, November 1, officers may not have located the man they were looking for that night, but didn’t return to the Claremont Police Department empty-handed. Police first responded to the Greyhound station based on reports of an intoxicated man.

The drunken individual was not located but unfortunately for Alexander May, a 21-year-old from Chino Hills, his resemblance to the person in question brought him some undesired attention from local police. He was found with four outstanding warrants, worth $200,000 total, for illegal vending on or near a freeway, possession of a pipe, possession of cocaine and a municipal code violation, according to Lieutenant Mike Ciszek. He was arrested.


Wednesday, October 30

Car burglars made a sweep of Claremont on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. A checkbook, photography equipment, miscellaneous change and a bottle of Oxycodone, altogether worth more than $1500, were stolen from cars on Arrow Highway, Berrian Street and Mural Drive. It was easy pickings for the crooks because unfortunately, in each case, car doors were left unlocked.


An idling car spotted near the intersection of Bonita and Mountain Avenues caught the attention of officers conducting their Friday-morning patrol. Their interest was piqued further when they found the running vehicle mysteriously empty, of both the driver and the radio. Further investigation revealed the car had been turned on with a shaved key and was stolen out of Chino. It appeared the auto burglar had done some preemptive cleaning for the car’s return to its proper owner; the car had been wiped clean of all prints. There are no suspects.


Sunday, November 3

Two multi-tasking bicyclists went on an unanticipated ride to the hospital Sunday morning. The pair was chatting and riding side-by-side down College Avenue when one of the cyclists, steering the bike with one hand and gesturing with the other, lost control and took the other cyclist down as well. Both sustained abrasions while one complained of pain to his shoulder and collarbone. They were transported by ambulance to Pomona Valley Hospital.


Allen Perez brought new meaning to the old adage “wake up and smell the roses” after the 40-year-old Pomona resident was found curling up in a flower bed near Coe and Springfield Streets. Mr. Perez received was awakened from his slumber by local police and was arrested for public intoxication, leaving his newfound bed behind.


Monday, November 4

A 32-year-old Upland resident is being charged with a felony DUI after crashing into a parked vehicle containing two adults and a four-year-old. Chengyu Wang was driving east on Base Line Road around 12:30 a.m. when he collided with the vehicle parked on the side of the road near the 210 freeway entrance, according to Lt. Ciszek. The driver, passenger and child in the parked car were all transported to the hospital. Mr. Wang, suspected to be driving under the influence, was arrested.


The Claremont Colleges received an extra hand with construction materials over the weekend. Sometime between Friday, November 1 and Monday, November 4, an unknown person broke into the construction site, located off Ninth Street and Mills, making off with nearly a dozen circuit breakers and 20 feet of 30-gage copper wiring. According to the police report, the damage is estimated at nearly $7000.

—Beth Hartnett



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