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Pizza ‘N Such, Club trees highlight city council meeting

The Claremont City Council will discuss ongoing litigation between the city and longtime Village eatery Pizza ‘N Such in closed session tomorrow night, Tuesday, June 18, at 5:15 p.m. before the regular council meeting.

Mike and Sue Verbal, owners of Pizza ‘N Such, recently filed a lawsuit against the city of Claremont alleging city officials violated an agreement made in regard to more than $150,000 of in-lieu parking fees paid by the Verbals to the city. The Verbals believe the city misused the money, which was to pay for development of parking for use by customers dining at their restaurant in the Village.

Mr. Verbal says he later learned that his money was instead used in part for the 4-story parking structure just west of the Packing House on First Street in Village West. The city denies any wrongdoing.

Public comment on the litigation is welcome. Those who wish to speak on the matter may do so promptly at 5:15 p.m. before council members adjourn to their closed session.

The city’s Water Management Plan is on the agenda for the council’s regularly scheduled meeting, which begins at 6:30 p.m. Because of new regulations imposed by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality board regarding the collection and proper treatment of storm water, the city must compile a report detailing its plans to comply with these stricter rules.

In March, the council decided to move forward with conducting an Enhanced Watershed Management Plan with the cities of La Verne and San Dimas. CWE, Inc. will be conducting the management plan. At Tuesday’s meeting, the council will direct staff to notify the water quality board of the city’s intent to move forward with the plan.

Council members will also discuss whether or not to leave the islands in The Club neighborhood intact. The city will be conducting a slurry project this summer to repair the neighborhood’s damaged sidewalks.

As part of the project, city staff is recommending that the islands at the end of Davenport Circle and Stanislaus Circle be repaired and retained, while those in the 700 and 1600 blocks of Elmhurst, as well as the one in the 800 block of Stanislaus, be removed.

Additionally, the council will review an appeal to remove a Japanese Black Pine tree in the 400 block of Blaisdell Drive and direct staff to take action against an estimated 207 property owners delinquent on their sanitation bills.

The Claremont City Council meeting takes place at 6:30 p.m. this Tuesday, June 11 at the City Council Chamber, 225 W. Second St.

—Beth Hartnett


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