New reforestation program to bring more trees to Claremont

During January and April of 2022, residents will notice more trees around the city thanks to the efforts of the Community Services Department’s urban forest division.

Throughout the first quarter of the year, the urban forest division’s 2022 reforestation program will be in full swing and volunteers will be utilizing the cooler weather and winter precipitation to their advantage to plant saplings.

Residents interested in a new city tree should contact the Community Services Department at (909) 399-5431. Variables such as growing space, possible interference with utility lines, sufficient site distance and traffic clearance from proposed tree, on top of maintenance resources such as adequate water supply and a consistent source, are taken into consideration prior to planting a new city tree. All sites must be evaluated and approved by an arborist prior to planting according to the city.

“Newly planted trees will be watered by the city for 90 days following planting. After the 90-day period, a water bag will be installed on the tree. From that point on property owners are responsible for watering,” the city wrote online, adding, “newly planted trees will also receive a young tree checkup approximately one year after planting. This checkup includes light structural pruning, re-staking and tying, if necessary, and an overall health check.”

Grant funds are being used to plant city trees according to the city’s website. “Per grant requirements trees can be no larger than 15 gallons in size. Property owners may choose to have a larger tree planted at their cost. A larger tree costs $237.”

For more information on the city’s urban forest, contact the Community Services Department by email at


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