Rain inspires Condit fourth graders’ haiku

Condit Elementary School teacher Summer Bonner recently taught her fourth grade students about haiku. Here are the lovely results of that assignment.

By Amy R.

Grey clouds come to stay
Little worms come out and play
As little gems fall.

On a Cold Winter Day
By Jarvis N.

Rain pours heavily
Skies, clouds growing gray greatly
On a winter day.

Sun and the Rain
By Abigail G.

Look out the window
The sun comes and the rain goes
I see a rainbow.


By Violet J.

Water drops outside,
Stormy clouds above my head
A rainbow appears!

It’s Raining All Day
By Aiden A.

Puddles everywhere
Stay inside or go to play
Come another day.

Claremont Forecast
By Wali A.

Did you check the news?
It will be raining all week,
I hope you like it.

Graceful Rain
By Alyssa B.

The clouds in their groups
The beauty of the droplets
They’re magnificent.

10 Degrees
By Crystal B.

Rain is cold and wet
Rain outside is freezing wet
Rainy days are hard.

Rain Puddles
By Fiona C.

Hopping in puddles
Meanwhile the rain is dropping
It Sounds like sobbing.

It Pours Everywhere
By Audrey D.

How unfortunate
Flooding everywhere I see
It pours so heavy.

Beautiful Flood
By Isabella F.

I see the rain flood,
The rain is everywhere now,
It is beautiful!

Rain in the Classroom
By Aria G.

We watch the water
Shimmer down from the blue sky
Working like the falls.

The Weather’s Tear
By Chloe K.

The strong angry rain
The towns are over flooded
It’s so depressing.

The Sky
By Jacob L.

The rain can be cold
Today is cold and freezing
The day is freezing.

Oh Puddles
By Welles L.

Today there’s puddles
Water comes raining down now
Like some melted snow.

Reasons I Don’t Like the Rain
By Ava L.

The rain looks like ice
when it rains my hands get cold
the rain is not fun.

Day In the Rain
By Leila L.

The rain is falling
from the sky it is going
to be wet tonight.

Rainy Schedule
By Yoona L.

It’s raining for days
We need umbrella today
Today will be cold.

California Rain
By Logan M.

Rain rain go away
Rain rain come out tomorrow
Rain rain come again.

Rain Clouds
By Andrew M.

The rain looks like clouds
The white clouds look like raindrops
Now the rain will stop.

The Cloud
By Jocelyn O.

The Sky is dark gray
Drops of rain fall from the sky
Clouds can drop water.

Rain is Here
By Phoenix R.

Rain is wet and moist
stay inside all day can’t play
Rain rain go away.

The Clouds Tears
By Yousef S.

The rain is falling
Get ready the rain is here
There’s no time to play.

A Cozy Day In the Rain
By Ava Y.

The rain drips slowly
While I’m reading quietly
I wake up to rain.

The Children Play in the Rain
By Allison M.

The clouds are so gray
The children played in the rain
Splashing the puddles.


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