CPD issues safety tips

Claremont Chamber of Commerce and Claremont Police Department issued a joint statement last week with tips for keeping people safe in the event they suspect someone is following them.

  • Whether you’re leaving an ATM, a bank, retail business, traveling at night, or are in an isolated area, always be aware of your surroundings.
  • If you notice someone following you, “trust your gut” and call 9-1-1. If you’re in Claremont, drive directly to the police station, 570 W. Bonita Ave., while phoning police. If you find yourself in this situation and are heading to CPD, describe your direction of travel, your vehicle’s make, model, and color, as well as the pursuing vehicle’s, and, if possible, a description of the person(s) you believe are following you. Officers may be able to intercept, or be at the department when you arrive. Do not drive directly home.
  • Those who spend a considerable amount of time in Claremont are encouraged to add the police department’s dispatch center number, (909) 626-1296, into their contact lists.

For more information or other safety tips, call CPD at (909) 399-5411.


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