Claremont Forum kicks off ‘Contrabanned’ September 15

The Claremont Forum’s Contrabanned Project, which delivers health education to incarcerated women and spotlights the challenges due to prison censorship barriers, kicks off Sunday, September 15 with a donation drive and book matching campaign at, search “contrabanned.” All book donations will be matched through Saturday, September 21.

A webinar explaining the project — which coincides with Prison Banned Book Week — is set for 11 a.m. Friday, September 20. RSVP at

The central book of the campaign, “Contrabanned,” created in partnership with Ilyssa Berger and the healthcare advertising agency Patients and Purpose, provides reproductive health, mental wellness, and general medical literacy for women prisoners. It will be available online during the campaign for a $1 donation at Claremont Forum, home of the Prison Library Project, will send the book to select prisons where it is allowed.

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