‘Tis the season in Claremont

Quincy Sanchez tells Santa what she wants for Christmas during Friday’s Holiday Promenade at Claremont City Hall. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

Santa Claus arrived in Claremont from the North Pole Friday evening as the city and Village Marketing Group hosted the annual Holiday Promenade. Festivities included carolers and live music, photos with Santa Claus in front of city hall, the Packing House, and The Treatment Skin Boutique, and with reindeer at Shelton Park, a small petting zoo, Village businesses doubling as cheer stops, and the 6:15 p.m. tree lighting.

(L-R) Nine-month-old Madelyn Telarroja and Mateo Telarroja, 2, pose for a photo on the Big Man’s lap Friday as their mother, Allison Telarroja, snaps a photo. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

Adrian Ayala and his son Leo Ayala, 10 months, after the tree lighting at the Depot on Friday. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

Lauren Keating and 2-year-old Autumn Keating smile for a photo with reindeer Tinsel and Twinkle at Friday’s Holiday Promenade in the Village. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

An ornament on the holiday tree at the Depot. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo


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