Scripps Presents in three different acts

Scripps Presents hosts “Look Up: In Three Acts,” “a unique series of events that give us the space and opportunity to build community both in Claremont and beyond,” according to a Scripps press release.

Here’s Scripps’ description of act one, “Community Haiku,” ongoing through Saturday, September 18 in a pop-up tent in the courtyard east of Bowling Green, or on Instagram:

“What do you do in the face of adversity? It’s a question many of us have been considering over the past 18 months. Share your wisdom and insights as part of this Community Haiku on one of the bright sticky notes at the pop-up tent on the Scripps campus or in Seal Court during Scripps Tea on Wednesday, September 15. You can also share yours from home on Instagram (please tag @scrippscollege and use the hashtag #CommunityHaiku).”

“This past year has illuminated both our profound desire to come together and challenged us to think in new, radical ways about how we gather,” read the release. “For sculptor and MacArthur “genius” Elizabeth Turk, meeting our current moment with creativity and openness was an imperative. Last November, at the height of the pandemic, Turk and her collaborators at ET Projects created an immersive, outdoor pop-up art event with residents of Mt. San Antonio Gardens retirement community in Claremont. The residents, sporting specially designed masks and umbrellas, were captured from above. The result: a brilliant and kaleidoscopic series of images that transmitted an unexpected joy amid an unquestionably dark time.”

Act Two, “Look Up Symposium,” a free event featuring Ms. Turk, Princeton psychologist Betsy Levy Paluck, and the University of Minnesota’s Marla Spivak, takes place online at 4 p.m. Tuesday, September 14.

Tickets are available at, search “look up.”

Ms. Paluck asks: How do our social norms and behaviors shift in real world settings? Meanwhile, for Ms. Spivak, the social behavior of bees has motivated her research for decades. These ideas influence the work of Ms. Turk, whose kaleidoscopic pop-up art experiences are inspired by both spontaneous and formal choreographic movement within communities.

These three MacArthur “geniuses” will come together to reflect on an essential question that transcends discipline and is at once both timely and timeless: How do communities come together and influence one another?

Act Three, “Look Up,” takes place at 10 a.m. Saturday, September 18 on Scripps’ Bowling Green or via Instagram Live.

In a bookend to Ms. Turk’s event last November at Mt. San Antonio Gardens, current students, faculty, staff at The Claremont Colleges will come together on Bowling Green for an immersive pop-up art experience. Attendees will be given a mask and umbrella with an original Elizabeth Turk design and will take part in a socially distanced gathering that will provide both an opportunity for in-person connection and a chance to contribute to the creation of a new work of art. You can also join the experience from home via Instagram Live.

More information is available at



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