Claremont Courier Logo
Find IT Logo

Grow your business with our search-friendly directory

How is The Courier’s business directory different?

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It’s Claremont-focused with a Claremont audience.

Our directory lists only businesses in Claremont and a few neighboring cities. It’s designed for Claremont shoppers and customers looking to support local merchants and services or limit their driving times. It’s the only directory of its kind, manually curated for relevance and quality.

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You get out of it what you put into it.

A basic listing is free. It displays your business name, address, hours, phone number, and a hero image. It may attract a few eyeballs but little search traffic.

On the other hand, a paid listing allows for a lengthy business description, multiple photographs of your location, a Google map to the location, customer reviews, and more, all placed on a freestanding page with a search-friendly URL. Google finds this configuration very attractive, and there’s a good chance your business web page will end up in Google’s index.

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We can create your listing for you.

You can have us do the work for a paid listing at no additional charge. Send us a few photographs, tell us about your business, and we’ll write a detailed description and build the listing for you. You’ll have one of the best and most search-friendly profiles in the directory because we’ve been practicing!

How robust is The Courier’s search traffic?

Over half of The Claremont Courier’s traffic comes from search. The Courier site itself averages between 3,000 and 5,000 visits per day.

5% of those daily visits originate in Claremont, and over 20% come from Claremont and nearby cities combined.

That may not sound like much, but local traffic is high conversion traffic — it doesn’t take much to generate a sale, according to our marketing agency, which studies the analytics of dozens of local businesses.

The Courier website contains a massive library of stories, videos, and podcasts. Several prominent news feeds distribute our new stories, and over 3,400 domains link to the Courier, including 317 education domains. Plus, Google gives preferential treatment to nonprofit organizations like The Courier.

All that traffic and link equity percolate through the site, down to the business directory. And we’ve designed the directory so that search bots have a direct crawl path to every business profile we list, including yours.

Person typing on a laptop

What is The Courier’s reach?

85% of The Courier’s traffic is US-based. 15% comes from Germany, the UK, India, Canada, and other countries.

Los Angeles, Pomona, Claremont, San Diego, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Montclair, Glendora, and La Verne are among the many Southern California cities sending traffic our way.

The Courier has a strong US and international following. We mail editions of The Courier throughout the USA and even abroad.

Does my business already have a Find It profile?

Possibly. When we built the directory, we uploaded a spreadsheet containing the names, addresses, and phone numbers of thousands of Claremont businesses. We encourage businesses owners to:

  1. Search for their business from the Find It search bar.
  2. Claim their listing if it exists.
  3. Correct or update the information in their listing.

If you can’t find a profile for your business, we invite you to add a basic listing for free. Or, for only $19 a month, you can purchase and post an enhanced search-friendly listing with a detailed description, maps, photos, etc. As mentioned, we’ll even do the work for you at no additional charge.

A person taking a package from another person

Our mission is to help local businesses.

The Courier is a nonprofit, Claremont-focused newspaper. We report on all things Claremont, including local businesses.

We’ve profiled hundreds of Claremont businesses for free in our paper, donated thousands of dollars in free advertising, and worked diligently to promote Claremont as a destination. Your participation in our Find It Claremont directory helps all Claremont businesses, not just your own.

Why? Because the more our directory grows, the more it will become a choice destination for search engines like Google. The rising tide of search engine optimization will lift all boats.

Please create an account to get started. There are no contracts, and you can cancel anytime. But we’re confident you’ll see a positive difference in the long run.

For any questions, email Gyna at:

Peter Weinberger, Publisher Claremont Courier Inc.