CUSD recognizes outgoing police chief Fate

Claremont Police Chief Aaron Fate, seen here taking the oath of office in 2021, is retiring April 1. Courier file photo

Claremont Unified School District’s Board of Education presented outgoing Claremont Police Department Chief Aaron Fate with its “You Are the Commitment” award at its March 6 meeting.

“Chief Fate, you have been our rock in building relationships between law enforcement and education,” Superintendent Jim Elsasser said at the meeting. “Your warmth and sense of humor instantly put everyone at ease. From your days as a school resource officer and DARE instructor, to you leadership as chief, you have embodied the principles of service, community, and integrity. Thank you for your steadfast commitment, your tireless service, and for showing us all the power of collaboration.”

“This award means a lot to me,” Fate told the Courier. “One of the most fulfilling chapters of my career was working as a DARE officer directly with the fine folks at Claremont Unified School District, so having this recognition from them gets me right in the heart. It’s much appreciated.”

Fate was given a small gift, a certificate of recognition, and a robust round of applause from those in attendance.

Fate will step down as CPD chief April 1 after three years at the helm. Captain Mike Cizsek will be sworn in as chief the following day.


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