Everyday People: Dan and Little Kitty

Dan and Little Kitty. Photo/by Valerie Card

The first in an occasional series

By Valerie Card | Special to the Courier

This is Dan and Little Kitty.

I saw them Thursday walking up Amethyst Avenue, near Doctor Strange Records in Rancho Cucamonga. There’s Doctor Strange in the background, over Dan’s right shoulder.

Dan and Little Kitty. Photo/by Valerie Card

I was intrigued by the two of them and pulled over to talk. I introduced myself and said I had three cats. Dan introduced himself and Little Kitty. I learned he’s had Little Kitty since before his eyes opened. He was the first thing Little Kitty saw.

That was a little over three years ago. Little Kitty is with him all the time, he said.

I asked about neutering his feline pal and he began telling me about Little Kitty getting sick, throwing up, and going to the vet. He pointed down the street to Alta Loma Animal Hospital, and I said “Oh, Dr. Moussa.” “Yeah,” he said. Little Kitty went in for three days and Dr. Moussa took care of him, as he was dehydrated and more. Dan said he offered Moussa the keys to his BMW, but the doctor wouldn’t take them.

I asked him if he could use some help feeding Little Kitty.

“Well, I could always use some help,” he said. I gave him a $20 bill, started to say goodbye and take care of yourself, and Dan started talking about finding a safe place because he had a vision when he was out in the desert and nuclear war is coming.

“China?” I asked.

“China, Russia, and then people will be pouring over the border from Mexico, from Canada. And we gotta get rid of Biden. And I’m looking for a safe place to hold out.”

“Well, you take care of yourself and Little Kitty,” I said.

“Thank you, he said. “Thank you very much.”

Then Dan turned and started rolling his way up Amethyst, with Little Kitty perched on top.

Valerie Card, 73, is a Retired teacher interested in music, books, plays, photography, California native plants, animals, and people.


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