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Foothill Transit adds Silver Streak bus stop at CPP

Foothill Transit and Cal Poly Pomona officials recently unveiled a new Silver Streak bus stop in front of Cal Poly Pomona’s student services building. It marks the first time in more than two decades Foothill Transit has provided a service line at the center of campus.

Silver Streak buses will stop between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. weekdays at the school’s student services building drop-off circle stop, near the corner of Kellogg Drive and Red Gum Lane. Riders can track the Silver Streak in real time using the myStop Mobile app. Select ‘Foothill Transit’ as the agency and click Silver Streak on your Android or Apple device. The app notifies users of service alerts, detours and delays. Learn more at

Cal Poly Pomona students can use the bus line to travel from the university to downtown Los Angeles in under an hour on weekdays. Students with a class pass can ride the Silver Streak line for free, along with other local Foothill Transit bus lines.

For more information or to view the bus schedule go to


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