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Generation Connect is back

The Claremont Senior Program’s Generation Connect, which helps seniors learn technology from the new generation, will return next month.

The Tuesday and Thursday classes run from September 6 to September 27. Enrollment opens at noon August 15.

Pre-registration at is required as space is limited. A mandatory one-day orientation takes place from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday, August 29 at the Joslyn Center Annex, 660 N. Mountain Ave.

Adults ages 60 and up are invited to this four-week hybrid program where they will connect with local teenagers for technology tutoring, including one-on-one help, and by playing cooperative or competitive games.

The course utilizes Google Meet, but for those who don’t know how to use the program an in-person facilitator will show you the basics.

Call (909) 399-5488 for more info.


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