Just like any lazy Sunday…except it’s July 4th!
COURIER photo/Peter Weinberger
It could have been any Sunday morning at Memorial Park. People enjoying the park under shade to escape the heat, as the sweet sounds of the Happy Neighbor Club playing music under a heavy shaded tree for all to hear. Yes, it was quiet and peaceful. A very nice morning for folks of all ages. Except this photo was taken on July 4th. Since Claremont elected to postpone all Fourth festivities, this year’s holiday will be quiet devoid of any holiday cheer. Upland and La Verne brought back some events, but both their 5k and parade were held on Saturday, July 3. And if you want to see fireworks on July 4th, it’s best to head west to La Verne, or better yet, northeast towards Upland for a show in the large gravel pit along Base Line Road between Monte Vista and Benson. Since there is no seating, Upland city officials are asking people to watch from their cars or homes.