Olympian Brittany Brown gets royal Claremont welcome

Brown captured her own memories with CHS’s cheerleading squad at the rally on Wednesday. Courier photos/Peter Weinberger

With her ebullient personality and ever-present smile, 2013 Claremont High School graduate and Olympic medalist Brittany Brown really knows how to connect with the community that helped set her on her path. Brown, who came home from the 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games with a bronze medal in the 200 meters, was honored by the city with a parade and rally on Wednesday. The charismatic athlete was a selfie magnet, taking the time to meet, greet and pose for photos with dozens of admirers. As the parade terminated at Claremont High School, she was mobbed by hundreds of adoring fans, including the CHS marching band and CUSD leadership.


The Brittany Brown welcome home party started at city hall and moved through the Village, up Indian Hill Boulevard to Claremont High School.


Brown made time for dozens of photos, including this one with Claremont Mayor Sal Medina outside city hall.


Once at the podium at CHS, Brown’s infectious, positive attitude took the crowd by storm.


Brown accepts congratulations on her Olympic success from CUSD leadership.


Brittany Brown makes her way through the CHS campus past a line of enthusiastic supporters on Wednesday.


While at city hall, Brown was able to connect with old Claremont friends like Sherie Rodgers.


Fans surround Brown as she arrives at Claremont High School taking photos, asking questions, and giving hugs.


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