Play ball! Claremont Little League opens season

First-year Claremont Little League President Scott Smith holds the microphone Saturday as players from various teams recite the Little League Pledge. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger

A time-honored rite of spring, the launch of Claremont Little League’s 66th season, took place Saturday under clear, sunny skies. The opening day celebration included food, prizes, raffles, games, and, of course, baseball. Courier photos/Peter Weinberger

The 11-year-old Orioles take a lap around the diamond at Saturday’s opening day ceremonies. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger

Pomona College mascot Cecil the Sagehen was mobbed by enthusiastic fans at Saturday’s opening day celebration. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger

Claremont Little League players, coaches, and supporters at Saturday’s opening day ceremony. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger

A fundraiser at Claremont Little League’s opening day on Saturday raised more than $7,000. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger

The Claremont Little League ball fields stand out in this photo looking east from above the Village Depot. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger


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