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Senior Program applauds epic volunteers

Local volunteers were given praise and honors by the Claremont Senior Program last month during its annual volunteer recognition event at Alexander Hughes Community Center. The event highlighted more than 100 volunteers who contributed 5,000 or more hours of service through programs offered at the Joslyn and Blaisdell senior centers.

City staff also presented special awards to the following volunteers and organizations: Claudia Pinter-Lucke, Blaisdell Community Center Volunteer Award; Lise Abrams, Joslyn Center Volunteer Award; Stacey Wood, Over and Above Award; Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Extra Mile, Extra Smile Award; Arlene Andrew, Josephine Smith Award; Bette Nola, Muriel Farritor Award; and Barbara Mowbray, Los Angeles County Older American Recognition Award.

Call (909) 399-5488 or visit for more information.


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