State approves Claremont’s housing element

Some two months after the Claremont City Council passed the latest updates to the city’s sixth cycle housing element, the California Department of Housing and Community Development sent a letter to City Manager Adam Pirrie informing him it was “pleased to find the adopted housing element in substantial compliance with Housing Element Law (Gov. Code § 65580 et seq) as of date of this letter.”

The letter continued, “The adopted element was found to be substantially the same as the revised draft element that HCD’s April 30, 2024 review determined met statutory requirements. This finding is based on, among other things, completion of the rezoning provisions with Program 4 (Provision of Adequate Sites).”

The letter is viewable at, hover over the “living” tab and select “housing element” underneath the “General Plan” option.

The housing element is part of the city’s general plan and includes a demographic profile of Claremont, an analysis of opportunities and constraints for the development of new housing, and an evaluation of existing housing program, according to the city’s website.

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