City council makes sanitation service increase a reality
On Tuesday, May 14 the Claremont City Council adopted an ordinance allowing sanitation fees to be increased by 1 percent beginning on July 1. According to city staff and current budget projections for the Sanitation Fund, the Consumer Price Index increase is necessary to sustain operations.
Councilman Opanyi K. Nasiali admitted he doesn’t like rate increases, but wanted residents to know in this case, he feels it’s a necessity.
“This is a self-supporting service and if we don’t maintain it, the delivery center and the company that provides the service run into problems. As much as I don’t like increases, this is one that we have to do.”
Additional fee changes recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee in March are also moving forward. For the 365 customers current receiving off-street service that means fees will be increasing to $22.14 per month for the first three containers.
Existing alley customers who receive off-street service free of charge will continue to do so for a period of 10 years or until the property changes hands. After which, the property owners would then be responsible for paying the $22.14 monthly charge for service.
Bin off-street fees are also increasing to $13.70 per pickup and bin rate rentals rates to $115 per week/pickup.
For low-income and disabled customers receiving off-street service, rates will remain unchanged. The 1 percent CPI increase is projected to bring an additional $48,670 to the Sanitation Fund.
Be sure to check out our complete city council coverage on Friday.
—Angela Bailey