May is beginning of mental health month
Mental illness affects us all and it strikes everywhere. Preventable losses add up for suffering individuals, families, organizations and communities. Despite this fact, many in our community remain confused about mental illness, including how to best respond.
The month of May is the perfect time to increase the community’s knowledge and improve its response. NAMI Pomona Valley has speakers available to give mental health awareness presentations to your organization or group. Organizations can coordinate mental health first aid training or become involved in advocacy with NAMI.
Wearing a green ribbon can be a great first step in showing support for those battling mental illness and starting conversations about mental health. Be sure to visit NAMI Pomona Valley online and check out the calendar of local mental health events courtesy of Tri-City Mental Health Services.
NAMI encourages and supports efforts to increase awareness and reduce the stigma of mental illness. For information, call (909) 399-0305 or visit the NAMI website at www.namipomona