Longtime Claremont police officers promoted
There was much to celebrate at Claremont’s city council meeting Tuesday night as a number of the police staff received recognition and promotion for their exemplary performance within the department.
Claremont Police Chief Paul Cooper stood before city council, residents and police families as he introduced each member, providing a brief summary of each person being promoted.
Lieutenant Shelly Vander Veen, who has served with the department for nearly 20 years, has been promoted to captain following the retirement of Captain Jon Traber earlier this month. Capt. Vander Veen was hired by the Claremont Police Department in 1995, and worked her way up the ranks with promotions to corporal in 2000, sergeant in 2003, and lieutenant in 2005. Capt. Vander Veen selected her aunt to do the honors of pinning her bars.
Sergeant Lori Davenport has been promoted to lieutenant. With a total of 15 years of service, 12 years with CPD and three years with the Los Angeles County Sheriff, Lt. Lori Davenport was hired by CPD in 2002, promoted to corporal in 2007 and sergeant in 2010. Lt. Davenport chose her husband Paul to do the honors of pinning her with the lieutenant bar, the same bar he wore when he was a lieutenant with the Claremont Police Department.
With 20 years of law enforcement behind him, Corporal Eric Huizar moves up the ranks to Sergeant. Sgt. Huizar was hired by CPD in 1995 and promoted to corporal in 2001. Chief Cooper did the honors of pinning the sergeant with his new badge.
Officers Chris Casas and Issac Reyes were both promoted to corporal. Claremont PD hired Cpl. Casas in 2007 before his recent promotion. He selected retired Captain Jon Traber to pin his badge. Cpl. Reyes was hired by CPD in 2008 and selected his wife to pin his corporal badge.
Ben Alba, a jailer assigned to Claremont Police Department, was hired on as a Reserve Officer for CPD and was given his officer’s badge by his mother and father. Reserve Officer Alba began his career with Claremont police in 2005 when he was hired as a police aide.
In addition, two explorers, Ryan Kim and Victoria Garrison, were also recognized for their high level of performance at the Riverside Sheriff Department Explorer Academy. These two were considered standout explorers and were selected from 120 candidates for recognition.
Explorer Ryan Kim was given the Brennan DiMaggio award, recognized as a top explorer and awarded for having the most discipline, motivation and exhibiting outstanding leadership throughout the academy. Mr. Kim has started classes at California State University, Stanislaus and was unable to accept his certificate in person.
Explorer Victoria Garrison, for the second year in a row, was awarded Most Outstanding in Physical Fitness. She completed the mile and half run in10 minutes flat – six seconds off the academy record – cranked out 45 push-ups in one minute and crunched 33 sit-ups in one minute. She received a certificate of recognition from the city council, presented to her by Mayor Joe Lyons.
Following the tradition of the chief presenting to the council a brief summary of each person being promoted, those promoted took their oath of allegiance once again to reaffirm their commitment.
—Angela Bailey