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Local residents honored for senior volunteering

The Claremont Senior Program honored 6 Claremont residents and one local organization on Monday night at a special volunteer appreciation ceremony.

About 240 volunteers were recognized at the evening celebration, held at the Hughes Center, for their combined 14,000 hours of service to the programs and activities of the Blaisdell and Joslyn Senior Centers.

A few were highlighted among the masses, including Carol Jensen, Blaisdell Volunteer Award; Elizabeth Nola, Joslyn Volunteer Award; Sue Likens, Muriel Farritor Award; Kristen Gonzales Over and Above Award; Anita Chalmers, Josephine Smith Award; and Dennis Smith with the Los Angeles County Older American Recognition Award. The staff of the local Trader Joe’s market was also recognized with the Extra Mile, Extra Smile Award.

Administrators at the local senior centers welcome new volunteers to join their team. For information on the Claremont Senior Program, call 399-5488 or visit

Memorial Park gets new turf

Memorial Park turf will be reseeded in the area near the flag pole and the playground during the month of May.

In order to ensure that the seeded areas germinate, the watering schedule for these areas will be adjusted to include one mid-day watering. This watering practice will be implemented as needed throughout May.

The city will continue to monitor the watering schedule to ensure that the reseeding is completed in the most sustainable manner possible.

For questions, contact Kristin Turner at 399-5433.



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