Pilgrim Place open house to open physical therapy unit
The Pilgrim Place Health Services Center will debut its physical therapy unit to local residents on Thursday, October 17, with an open house from 4 to 6 p.m., and a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 5:30 p.m.
The facility includes both indoor and outdoor exercise areas. The enclosed courtyard hosts an exercise station, walking surfaces of varying textures for patients recovering from knee surgery and similar procedures, and a putting green, used for re-establishing balance and hand-eye coordination.
There are also a variety of stations inside: exercise machines, resistance training, parallel bars for learning how to walk again, steps, tables for helping individuals to stretch and increase mobility, and even a flat-screen television equipped with therapeutic games that make rehabilitation fun.
“Some of these games are just amazing for relearning lost skills,” explained Rehab Manager Marie McKinney. “When people are enjoying the experience they forget how hard they are working to get back to their highest functional level, which is our goal.”
The spacious center includes an office and a therapeutic studio apartment designed for occupational therapy. The Bistro is located across the corridor from the rehabilitation center, where individuals can relax and get a snack after their workout.
The remodel of the Rehabilitation Center at Pilgrim Place is another step towards person-centered care, a journey Pilgrim Place has been on for several years.
RSVPs are not needed for the event. Questions can be directed to Joyce Yarborough at 399-5511 or by email to joyce@pilgrimplace.org.
Pilgrim Place, founded in 1915, is a senior community for 330 retired clergy, missionaries and social activists. Residents are committed to social justice, world peace, prophetic environmentalism and ongoing intellectual, spiritual and social growth.