Unofficial Claremont leaders portrait—past and present

Several current and former Claremont City Council members gathered Sunday at Council member Corey Calaycay’s home for a group photo. Read more for additional information and photos. Courier photo/Peter Weinberger

Several current and former Claremont City Council members gathered at Council member Corey Calaycay’s home Sunday for a group photo.


Row 1 (L-R): Opanyi Nasiali, City Council 2011-18, mayor 2013-14, 2018; Karen Rosenthal, City Council 1997-2003, mayor 1993-94; Diann Ring, City Council 1986-98, mayor 1999-2001; Larry Schroeder, City Council 2009-2020, mayor 2012-13, 2017-18, 2019.

Row 2: Jennifer Stark, City Council 2018-current, mayor 2020; Ed Reece, City Council 2018-current, mayor 2022.

Row 3: Sam Pedroza, City Council 2007-2018, mayor 2011-12; Sal Medina, City Council 2020 to current, mayor 2023.

Row 4: Corey Calaycay, City Council 2005-current, mayor 2009-10, 2015-16, 2018; Peter Yao, City Council 2003-11, mayor 2006-08; Bill McCready, City Council 1984-96.

Note: All dates listed for years of service for City Council and mayor begin on their appointment date. In 2018, the appointment date moved from March to December, thus changing the time of service to most of the following year. Because of this change, 2018 saw two mayors appointed, Opanyi Nasiali in March (serving eight months), and Corey Calaycay, who started in December.


This was the group in 2018 in the same location. Can you name all the members? Submit in comments.

Here’s how the original portrait was framed.

It was a very relaxed atmosphere during the photo session.


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