Where am I?

Well, for the second week running, not one reader correctly identified last week’s “Where Am I?” photo. We at the Courier hear you loud and clear: “Stop with the obscurities!” For the record, last week’s mystery photo was Douglas O. McGoon III’s 2003 untitled fountain sculpture right outside our lovely new offices at the Garner House in Memorial Park, Claremont. We believe this week’s undisclosed location is more widely known, at least among lovers of crispy fried goodness. What’s that, a hint? Well yes, it is. Please keep playing to be entered into the year-end drawing to receive a copy of the Courier’s new coffee table book of photography, “Timeless Claremont.” So “Where Am I” this week? Please email your answers — and suggestions for future mystery photos — to contest@claremont-courier.com for your chance to win. Courier photo/Mick Rhodes


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