CGU galleries ‘Getting the Band Back Together’

Claremont Graduate University’s Master of Fine Arts class of 2004 takes over the Peggy Phelps and East galleries, 251 E. 10th St., Claremont, for “Getting the Band Back Together,” a reunion exhibition curated by Aragna Ker, Lisette Bourne, and Jeffrey Ribaudo through Saturday, September 21. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Participating artists include Heater Arndt, H.C. Arnold, Rebecca Blatter, Rochelle Botello, Lisette Bourne, Maggie Chang, Kris Chatterson, Doug Crocco, Mike Dowedell, Peter Dueker, Monica Furmanski, Matt Heizman, Gustavo Herrera, Elisa John, Aragna Ker, Vanessa Madrid, Lara Minassian, Colin Murasko, Larry Pierce, Jeffrey Ribaudo, John Rubio, Anya Smilinick, Maureen Staley, and Robert Stortz.

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