Citywide street resurfacing project underway

The City of Claremont recently began a near $2 million citywide street resurfacing project, which was approved at the May 28 City Council meeting.

Overlay progress of the Highpoint neighborhood and Auto Center Drive was completed last week. Overlay work on Indian Hill Boulevard at the Interstate 10 underpass will be scheduled at a later date as permit approval is pending from California Department of Transportation. Striping will be scheduled in the coming weeks and reflective tabs will be installed ahead of the work.

Residential streets located between Indian Hill and Foothill boulevards, Towne Avenue, and Arrow Highway, are slated to receive slurry seal, a mixture of water, asphalt emulsion, small crushed rocks, and additives, by the week of September 30, according to a post on the city’s webpage at

Residents on affected streets will receive notices before slurry seal work is done.

Call (909) 399-5465 or visit for more info.


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