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San Bernardino police arrest Claremont man on child pornography

A 60-year-old Claremont man, and teacher with Los Angeles Unified School District, was arrested Wednesday morning on felony suspicion of possession of child pornography.

Rene Gregorio Estrella was taken into custody at 6:30 a.m. by detectives from the San Bernardino Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children task force, according to a news release from the City of San Bernardino. Police had a search warrant for Estrella’s residence as well as an undisclosed location in Los Angeles where they seized multiple electronic devices.

A video shared on the San Bernardino police’s official social media account shows Estrella’s arrest after a traffic stop and a search of his Claremont home.

The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin reports that Estrella is a teacher at the School of Business and Tourism at the Miguel Contreras Learning Complex in downtown Los Angeles. As of Thursday morning, his name is not among the staff contacts at the school.

Police say the arrest is related to an ongoing investigation and arrest of Steven Frasher, who resigned as the chair of the Redlands Planning Commission following his October 3 arrest for alleged possession of child pornography. According to the news release Estrella and Frasher shared multiple images of child pornography.

San Bernardino’s Internet Crimes Against Children task force is a part of a national network of 61 coordinated agencies comprised of over 4,500 federal, state, local law enforcement, and prosecutorial organizations.

Anyone with information about the alleged crimes is encouraged to contact the ICAC task force at (909) 384-5644 or by email at


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