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Obituary: Dr. William Henry Gordon

Dr. William Henry Gordon, Jr., 89, of Upland, died peacefully at his home on April 22.

He was born June 14, 1928, in Detroit, Michigan. He graduated from the University of Michigan and from Cornell University Medical College (now Weill Cornell Medicine). Following his service as a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy and an internship at Harper Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Gordon and his family moved to Southern California.

He spent his medical career with Kaiser Permanente Hospital, working in Fontana where he established the Department of Nuclear Medicine, and in Riverside. Dr. Gordon was a dedicated physician who placed the highest priority on the care he gave to his patients, his family shared.

Dr. Gordon delighted in people, as attested to by his wide circle of friends. Among the qualities he will most be remembered for was his warm (and at times somewhat mischievous) sense of humor. He enjoyed what life offered, and he was especially passionate about college and professional football and all types of music, from B.B. King to opera. His generous spirit will be greatly missed, his family added.

He was preceded in death by his beloved spouse of 64 years, Jean Clayton Chappell Gordon. He is survived by his sons, Stephen (Phyllis) and William; his daughters, Valerie and Michele (Quinn); and his granddaughters Christina and Caitlyn Van Dam and Olivia Gordon.

Dr. Gordon’s interment will take place at noon this Saturday, April 28, at Oak Park Cemetery, 410 Sycamore Ave., Claremont. Burial will be followed by a 2 p.m. memorial service at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, 830 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont, with a reception immediately thereafter in the parish hall. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the church in person or at




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