Readers comments: 4-7-17

Gearing up for gridlock

Dear Editor:

With the likelihood of the development of Village South along Indian Hill Boulevard just south of the railroad tracks (COURIER, March 31), it is imperative that the city get serious about a railroad crossing that does not frequently back up traffic for blocks every time a train crosses.

I recommended in two letters last year (August 5 and August 26), with an intervening rebuttal on August 19 by Karen Rosenthal, that Indian Hill Boulevard be depressed so that motor vehicles can pass beneath the tracks, unimpeded by the myriad Metrolink and Gold Line trains that will visit our city.

At present, Metrolink trains traveling each way during weekdays stop in Claremont every 20 minutes to one hour. Metro Gold Line trains run every seven minutes from Atlantic Avenue to the APU/Citrus College station during weekdays and every seven minutes during return trips.

Imagine long lines of motor vehicles waiting at an Indian Hill Boulevard grade crossing  each time a train trundles through. An underpass is the only viable solution to this impending problem. Let’s do it.

Jay B. Winderman



Petty punishments

Dear Editor:

I was saddened on Friday at shortly after 11 a.m. when I was driving south on Towne Avenue about to pass Foothill. A fellow did the most normal, harmless thing; he walked across Towne in mid-block toward the CVS parking lot. A police car was nearby and on went the lights. The poor fellow probably got a jaywalking ticket.

I know jaywalking may be risky depending on circumstances. In this case, it was not. I also know it is technically illegal. But I never believed that it should be a ticketable offense.

This poor fellow may have been one of the large numbers who are living from paycheck to paycheck, or even unemployed. Now he has another unexpected bill. If he fights this (kudos if he does) it means time off work and maybe even greater expense. The money goes into the bottomless purse of greedy government.

There are so many picayune rules and regulations these days. I have read on the internet about people across the country who must pay hefty fines to greedy governments for the most inane rule infractions. There isn’t a dumpster big enough for all these regulations.

If we are to pretend we are living in a free country, all this must stop. It could stop right now, right here, by dropping Friday’s jaywalking ticket, and continue on from there.

Alice Lillie



California Values Act

Dear Editor:

More than 10 million immigrants live and work in California. They are our family, our friends and our co-workers. In recent weeks, federal agents have taken actions to detain and deport our law-abiding neighbors while tearing families apart.   

In April, the senate will vote to create landmark protections for immigrant families living in California. Tell your senator to vote yes on the California Values Act. This bill aims to:

• Prevent state and local law enforcement from acting as federal immigration and customs enforcement agents to detain and deport immigrants

• Ensure state and local governments do not send data to the federal government for immigration purposes

• Make certain our schools, hospitals, and courthouses remain safe and accessible to all Californians.

This vote is going to be close. Tell your senators to vote yes on SB 54, the California Values Act.

Stand with the league. We won’t stand for families being torn apart.

Ellen Taylor

VP for Advocacy

LWV of the Claremont Area


Claremont Eclectic gardens

Dear Editor:

As a committee member of the Claremont Eclectic Garden Tour, I recently got my first glimpse into the gardens of the upcoming event on Sunday, April 9 from 1 to 4 p.m., and came away with a strong need to write a public encouragement to attend.

My goodness, these owners have put a lot of work and heart into their gardens over the years, and the gift of this year’s rains has provided a joyful enhancement to their efforts.

I was especially taken by the school garden included in this year’s tour. The children not only participate in planting, cultivating and harvesting, but also because of insightful planning, are able to enjoy classes under the trees and discover the quiet and the mysteries of the gardening experience.

I found each one of the gardens to have its own unique characteristics and surprises. I enjoyed talking with the owners, who will be present on Sunday, as they happily shared stories and answered questions.

“Claremont Eclectic” is a fitting title for this annual event, and the timing couldn’t be better for launching into this beautiful spring! 

Tickets can be purchased online at or by cash or check at the Garner House in Memorial Park, Rio de Ojas at 250 Harvard Ave. or the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden gift shop.

Dorcia Bradley






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