Low COVID-19 numbers show we’re paying attention

by Peter Weinberger | pweinberger@claremont-courier.com

Each day the COURIER staff reviews LA County—including Claremont—coronavirus numbers as reported by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department. We update these numbers every day and publish them on our website and Facebook.

Clearly, it’s one of the more important things we report on, with website views showing there’s great reader interest. Readers will ask for more information about those who are sick, but rest assured we are printing all pertinent information we receive.

The reports from LA County are analyzed by our staff, who review details with a focus on what will impact Claremont residents. There’s one published today by our editor Kathryn Dunn. What I find interesting is more well-to-do cities like Beverly Hills have higher virus numbers. I can only guess this may be related to more wealthy people traveling to faraway places or better access to testing.

I’ve also been impressed by how well Claremont residents are following social distancing guidelines, especially during this important week where we are really encouraged to stay inside. Yes, I realize some will always break the rules. But we will soon see more residents adapting to wearing facemasks—if you can find one—which is the next health order to follow moving forward.

Riding around town is still strange because it’s always slow. Fewer cars, people in little hurry, with mostly only restaurants open. I was born in Claremont and never remember anything like this. And it’s not over. I will continue to publish video whenever possible, since we are averaging over 11,000 views a post.

The city has been consistent with its message on what’s happening in Claremont, and I am personally happy to report that most parks remain open for passive recreation, except for playgrounds and other equipment. Initially signs indicted the entire park was off limits, but those green open spaces are available for use.

The Village Marketing Group (VMG) updates a list of 33 current restaurants and other Claremont businesses that are still open. If you do takeout, check out this list! Restaurants across the nation are probably the hardest hit of any business type, so many are using their only option by serving takeout, some at nice discounts. This list created by Louise Brewer of VMG, is the most accurate, updated list I’ve seen. Some retail stores are also offering delivery and ordering online. Birthdays and anniversaries aren’t cancelled during the pandemic, and there are still options for purchasing gifts for loved ones during this time.

Claremont has one of the lowest rates of coronavirus cases in LA County, with eight people for a rate of 21.93 cases per 100,000. Yet another reason—along with anecdotal evidence—why I stated I felt Claremont is paying attention to health orders.

My father Martin said you really get to know people not when times are good, but when they go bad. I’ve seen so many acts of kindness from people lately, it’s nice to know how many people really care about others. Imagine that. Stay safe out there.



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