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Police blotter 2-13-15

Sunday, February 1

A teenager with high-class wheels and low-class language was picked up by police for driving without a license. Officers received a call around 11:30 p.m. of a young boy driving a newer Mercedes Benz near College and Sixth Street, reportedly asking passersby, “Where are all the bitches around here?” Police found the vehicle and its 14-year-old driver, who admitted to taking his father’s car without permission. The Pomona teen told officers he was not licensed to drive. He was arrested for misdemeanor driving without a license and released into the custody of his father.


Monday February 2

According to Detective Isaac Reyes, an unknown thief entered a home on the 600 block of Hendrix Avenue through a back door between 8:30 a.m. and 2:25 p.m. Once inside the residence, the burglar ransacked several rooms, stealing tools and jewelry worth $1,000. The housebreaker fled undetected in an unknown direction.


Living up to their slogan, Norms really is “where life happens.” Around 5:30 p.m., Upland resident Brittany Genovese and her partner were fighting inside a vehicle parked in Norms’ parking lot when police responded to the scene. The couple was apparently arguing over their breakup, with the female victim claiming to have been assaulted by Ms. Genovese. The victim suffered a visible scratch under her eye and the 21-year-old suspect was arrested for assault.

Tuesday, February 3

A Huntington Beach mom with an infant in the car was arrested for drunk driving and child endangerment. Officers received a call at approximately 6 p.m. of a Jeep Cherokee seen swerving on the westbound 210 Freeway and exiting at Towne Avenue. Officers located the vehicle, which had quickly accelerated to 80 mph as it re-entered the 210 freeway now heading east. The vehicle proceeded to drive up the embankment and then onto the right shoulder before being stopped by police. Officers contacted the driver, Ashley Hopwood, who exhibited signs of intoxication and was found to be more the twice the legal limit. The 25-year-old woman was arrested for DUI and child endangerment.


Wednesday, February 4

Two postal bandits were caught red-handed by police thanks to a resident’s watchful eye. Officers received a call around 5 a.m. of a suspicious dark-colored sedan driving with no headlights. As the car would periodically stop, the passenger would exit the vehicle to look inside mailboxes on the 1300 block of Appalachian. Police located the car and its occupants on the 4400 block of St. Cloud, just as passenger Jose Reza, 23, was taking something from a mailbox before returning to the vehicle. Officers made contact with the driver, Ivan Luna, 23, and Mr. Reza, who had burglary tools and mail from the neighborhood as well as from the cities of Upland and Los Angeles. The duo was arrested for petty theft and possession of burglary tools.

Thursday, February 5

Claremont police came to the aid of a pooch left in a vehicle unattended for more than 30 minutes. Officers responded to a call of a dog in distress in a green Honda on the 200 block of San Jose near the Kaiser Medical facility. Several announcements were given inside the medical building but when no one responded to the call, officers broke the window of the vehicle and turned the dog over to the Humane Society. Luis Gonzales, a 42-year-old Montclair resident, was cited for animal cruelty.


A Golden State Water Company well site, located south of the 210 Freeway and east of Monte Vista, came under attack by thieves who made off with some expensive equipment. The unknown intruders broke the padlocks on the well’s access door and stole copper wiring, electrical panels, an electrician’s ladder and a fire hose with diffuser attachment. Damage and losses are estimated at $6,500.


Claremont police were dispatched to the 200 block of west Twelfth Street around 9:45 p.m. following a 9-1-1 call from a neighbor who reported hearing a woman screaming for police. The victim then phoned 9-1-1, telling dispatch she was in an argument with her roommate over utilities. The victim stated  that her roommate, 60-year-old Victor Perez, had assaulted her. Police arrived to the home and confirmed that the victim had a small cut on the inside of her right arm, They also determined she was drunk. When asked by police how much she’d had to drink, she responded, “Oh, I’m a wino, sweetheart. I’ve been an alcoholic for years!” Mr. Perez was arrested for misdemeanor battery at the victim’s request, as well as for an outstanding warrant.


Friday, February 6

A suspicious fire and explosion at Motel 6 on South Indian Hill Boulevard resulted in one suspect hospitalized with severe burns. A Claremont police officer on site was contacted by Los Angeles County Fire around 6:30 p.m. following an explosion and small fire in room 142. According to Det. Reyes, a witness in an adjoining laundry room heard a loud explosion followed by smoke coming through the wall. The witness ran to the room to see what had happened but was waved away by a woman with two small children, who told him everything was fine.

Officers arrived to the room and discovered what appeared to be a honey oil extraction lab in the bathtub, although the room was empty. Police also said there was extensive fire damage to the bathroom wall. Items recovered from the scene include extraction lab paraphernalia, baby formula, baby bottles and toiletries as well as two caged mice, an iguana and a tarantula in two terrariums.

During the course of the investigation, police contacted local hospitals and located suspect Dion Augustine, 34, who had been dropped off at Pomona Valley Hospital by a male and female with two children, all of whom smelled of smoke. The Pomona resident was admitted to the hospital with severe burns to a large portion of his body and was later transported to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. Mr. Augustine has not yet been arrested or charged for the crime due to his injuries. The unidentified female remains a person of interest in this case.

—Angela Bailey

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