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Burglars make sweep through Claremont at 3 local homes

As Claremont residents hustled to work on Wednesday, burglars made a sweep of 3 local homes. A home in the 2100 block of Oxford Avenue was the first target, broken into around 10 a.m. while an elderly man was home. The victim described the burglar as a white or Hispanic male about 20-30 years old with brown hair.

Another residence was broken into between 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the 2200 block of Indian Hill Boulevard. A third home, located in the 100 block of Avila Way, was burglarized between 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. It is unknown if these burglaries are related. There is no suspect description for the Indian Hill or Avila Way incidents. Any information on these crimes should be reported to the Claremont Police Department at 399-5411. 

Check our police blotter Friday for detailed Claremont crime information.

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