Readers’ comments: December 13, 2024

Taking Trump critics to task
Dear editor:
In the December 6 Courier, both Merrill Ring and Pam Stevenson responded to my earlier letter about publicity hog Gavin Newsom’s grandstanding idea to “Trump-proof” California, which so far has mercifully come up pretty much empty-handed.
Otherwise, Merrill seems to have gotten amnesia when it comes to recollecting the booming Trump economy — prior to the COVID hysteria. He has forgotten all about the high employment rates, the low unemployment, the very low inflation, our lower gas prices, our lower grocery prices, our lower prices on just about everything, our re-acquired energy independence, the reduced regulatory burden, and so much else. But I understand. To recall any of that would be to undermine his automatic inclination to dislike Donald Trump and everything associated with him, including everything positive that did happen.
And then there was Pam’s letter … whose “yawn” perhaps best sums up her disdain for the problems which plague so many of her fellow Californians. Her excuse making is only surpassed by her misrepresentation of the issues.
For example, her response, “If people don’t like a new tax there are mechanisms available to reverse.” And here I thought Democrats were all about “saving democracy,” and the sanctity of everyone’s vote. Well, apparently not when the people of California might get an opportunity to vote on limiting new taxes.
Our we’re-in-charge-and-don’t-you-forget-it, one-party-rule Sacramento Democrats certainly wouldn’t want to allow that to happen.
Douglas Lyon

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