Readers comments: February 4, 2022
Thoroughly soaked
Dear editor:
Who knew that Valentine’s Day would come early in the form of a love letter from the Golden State?
We all know that water utilities’ costs are similar to one another: materials, labor, pumping and treating groundwater, buying imported water, etc. And so, one would think, water rates of different utilities in the same area would also be similar. Golden State’s ingenuity and determination to exploit the California Public Utilities Commission regulations has earned Claremonters the fine reputation of paying – by far – the highest rates for water in the area, water that, incidentally, we can’t live without.
How much higher? Based on my January bill, Golden State is 46% and 65% higher than the rates in Montclair and Upland respectively. Last week Golden State kindly shared with us that it is proposing another increase, and this time it’s not an increase to cover its expenses, it’s an increase to the profit Golden State already makes on facilities that, just like every other utility, it has to build to deliver safe and reliable water. In doing this, Golden State is protecting and indeed making the reputation of those living in its monopolized area even grander.
The cleverness and tenacity of Golden State to keep us as the front runners in expensive water deserves our wholehearted appreciation. Please join me at the CPUC hearing on March 17, 2022 to express your opinion.
Thoroughly soaked,
Peter Kavounas
Not “Like war zones”
Dear editor:
In stories in the Claremont COURIER, and also on postings on the Claremont Connects Facebook page, a number of locals have compared the damage caused by the recent horrific winds as “war zones.”
I have never been to war. However, I am sure that those who have been to war can confirm that the comparison is not only incredibly inaccurate, but also incredibly insensitive to the terrible things which so often do happen in war. One example relates to the fact that there were no reports of deaths or major injuries among any of the population of Claremont during our recent windstorm, as occur in actual wars.
I believe people who compare our recent experience to war are being disrespectful to those who have actually lived, and too often died, in the many wars which have plagued this earth in just the most recent few years.
We are wrong to compare any events which have ever taken place in the United States to the Holocaust, which killed millions of people and destroyed the lives of millions more during the 1930s and 1940s. And we are wrong to compare the recent windstorm which indeed created a great deal of damage to trees and other property in Claremont last week, to any war.
Don Fisher
An act of God
Dear editor:
Some 50 years ago we had a big Santa Ana wind. My dear old friend Sam Brier lived on Eighth Street in Claremont. His beautiful 1954 two-tone yellow Plymouth Savoy was parked in his driveway when a huge city tree blew over and flattened his car.
The city denied any responsibility claiming “an act of God.” Some years later two college students were killed sitting in their car on the corner of Fourth and College when a large tree fell and flattened their car. The city paid out millions in compensation. No talk of “act of God” this time. Perhaps God had it in for old Sam?
Sincerely yours,
John Schwartz
Readers’ comments: January 17, 2025