Readers comments: March 18, 2022
A special thank you
Dear editor:
I am enclosing with this my “Senior” subscription renewal, and also my first contribution to the COURIER as a non-profit. I would not want to be without the COURIER! I have been reading it since we moved here in 1953, and Martin was editor, and it was located on Harvard Avenue.
I usually read your paper from beginning to end (except for the ads, which are important and good but I don’t generally need them). This is a truly excellent paper, and I also appreciate your wonderful drone pictures. My husband was Crispin Gonzalez, and I’ll never forget, when I entered your offices (then up on Monte Vista, I think) with my two daughters, Consuelo and Jennifer, to ask about an obituary when he passed in 2017, we were greeted with immediate recognition by the two women in the office at the time, and the assurance that we would have a full-page obituary, gratis! What a good feeling and comfort that was! I felt so honored, both for me and Crispin. Thank you.
Your paper is very special and so very good. Professional, but also friendly and homey—and I like occasionally seeing the pictures of those who write various articles. I am so glad you carried on in your father’s footsteps with this wonderful paper and so proud of it (just because I live in Claremont!) Oops! Actually, to my shock when I moved to the Gardens, my apartment happens to be in Pomona!
Anyway, I am an enthusiastic supporter of this “new” non-profit! Thank you again for the wonderful job you do and for all the good people and good writers (and photographers) in your employ.
Kirsten Gonzalez
Editor’s note: Each week the COURIER receives donations from the public thanking us for our local journalism efforts. In some cases, we also receive thoughtful notes telling us why they are supporting us. Other than having excellent taste in our photography, this letter from Kristen Gonzalez defines our goals in contributing to the Claremont community. It’s also an example of the enormous trust the COURIER has built with the public over the years. We take our mission very seriously and appreciate the enormous support we receive from all of you. Thank you Kristen for making my day! —PW
Wishes for Carol Curtis
Dear editor:
We were sad to read about the closing of Curtis Realty. When we came to Claremont in 1969, Bob and Edith James recommended Curtis to us as the only realtor that supported open housing. We found and bought our home on Seventh Street with the expert help of Kelsey Goss at Curtis, and when we sold it recently, Tom Messina and John Contabile, equally expert, helped us through the process. Whenever we needed to find an exterminator, handyman, plumber, or housecleaner, we knew we could always get good recommendations from Curtis. We will miss this locally owned, community-oriented real estate firm, and wish Carol Curtis well in her retirement.
Judy and Sandy Grabiner
Readers’ comments: February 14, 2025