Claremont Unified School District Superintendent Jim Elsasser administers the oath of office to former COURIER editor Kathryn Dunn during a special meeting of the CUSD Board of Education on Friday. Dunn will represent Trustee Area 1 on the board following the 2022 election where she ran unopposed. COURIER photo/Steven Felschundneff
Claremont Unified School District Superintendent Jim Elsasser administers the oath of office to former COURIER editor Kathryn Dunn, pictured above, during a special meeting of the CUSD Board of Education on Friday, December 9. Dunn will represent Trustee Area 1. COURIER photo/Steven Felschundneff
Newly elected board member Richard O’Neill takes the oath of office on Friday, December 9 during a special meeting of the Claremont Unified School District Board of Education. O’Neill will represent Trustee Area 3. COURIER photo/Steven Felschundneff