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Residential reminders: back to school, sidewalk parking, waste roundup

A Claremont High School graduate excitedly walks on stage to receive her diploma.

It’s that time again
Parents and guardians of Claremont Unified School District students are reminded the first day of the 2022-23 school year is Wednesday, August 31.

In anticipation, back to school nights for each of the district’s elementary schools will be held in the coming days, including Monday, August 29 at Oakmont and Vista del Valle, August 29-30 at Chaparral and Sumner/Danbury, and Wednesday, August 31 at Condit. Mountain View completes the circuit Thursday, September 1. Claremont High School classes begin on August 22.

More info is at

Parking concerns on public sidewalks
Residents are reminded that parking on or across a public sidewalk is not only illegal — as it violates California Vehicle Code Section 22500 — but also poses a public safety concern for those in wheelchairs, the visually impaired, and those pushing strollers.

Vehicles in violation can be cited and/or towed. More information is at

Waste roundup event
Los Angeles County residents are invited to a free drive-through household hazardous waste roundup event Saturday, August 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the L.A. County Fair Hotel and Exposition Complex, 2118 N. White Ave., Pomona. Guests should enter through gate 9 from White Ave.

Residents may bring up to 15 gallons or 125 lbs. of hazardous or electronic waste or sharps containers. Items should be in a box, preferably in their original packaging, and placed in your vehicle’s trunk or truck bed.

No explosives, ammunition, radioactive materials, controlled substances, trash, tires, or large appliances such as refrigerators, stoves or washing machines will be accepted.

Residents are asked to label and secure items so volunteers can easily identify and remove them. Further details can be found at


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