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San Antonio event offers garden feast, chance to help

San Antonio High School is hosting its 4th annual Seed-to-Table fundraiser on Sunday, April 27. Seats at the event, which helps support the school’s Plant Justice program, will still available the day of the event on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Plant Justice program not only involves high school students enrolled in the course. It also includes students from Oakmont and El Roble who are enrolled in the after-school program offered by San Antonio, with activities ranging from gardening to nutrition literacy.

All of the kids will be working together to help prepare the multi-course meal served at the Seed-to-Table event. Guests at the event, which costs $75 per person, are encouraged to arrive at 4:30 p.m. to enjoy hors d’oeuvres, student-led garden tours and a silent auction. Dinner and entertainment will be offered from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Plant Justice is a hands-on, interdisciplinary course focused on building community around sustainable food. Since fall 2010, students have planted, maintained and harvested more than 4,000 square feet of raised-bed gardens and a fruit orchard year-round. The class educates students both inside and outside the classroom by discussing articles and videos related to current food justice, health and environmental justice issues.

Students in the 4th through 12th grades have partnered with Claremont College interns, professional chefs, a master mason, a Tongva elder educator and landscape architects to develop recipes, build an outdoor classroom and plant a Native California Edibles garden. Plant justice builds skills and knowledge and develops youth leadership and community engagement.


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