Claremont Obituaries

“Jacob’s strength and perseverance were illuminated brightest early Monday morning, August 14, when he made the honest and brave decision to actively seek treatment for drug addiction. Jacob’s parents and family will never forget the selflessness of this decision, as they all understood the fear and pain that accompanied it,” his family shared. During the course of his treatment, he suffered a medical complication known as superior mesenteric artery syndrome, which led to a series of cardiac arrests. “On August 20, at the age of 18, Jacob was cured of his addiction, free of pain, as he took his last breath on this earth surrounded by the three people, his beloved brother and adoring parents, that loved him most, waking up in the arms of his Heavenly Father, who loves him even more. He joins his Grandfather Michael Turko, aka ‘Grandpa Turk,’ who went to Heaven before him.”

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