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Claremont Courier Real Estate

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The Claremont Courier provides a mix of fact-based housing information along with access to the latest Claremont homes for sale and rent. Also included are a list of sales professionals with a proven track record for finding and managing the purchase of your next home.

Laura Dandoy: Over 34-years experience of real estate sales knowledge, serving Claremont and the foothill communities.

Wheeler Steffen Sotheby's International Realty: Connect with a customer oriented, experienced sales professional with a strong track record helping families in the Claremont area.

More real estate trends and information

It’s that time of year again when my office undertakes its most important function of the fiscal year that lays the groundwork for the very property taxes that pay for our vital public services: the assessment roll. In fact, it’s a Constitutional mandate.

In an effort to keep a small part of Claremont’s history alive, Claremont Heritage made last minute moves to obtain more than 20 historic stained glass windows after the sale of the art-filled home at 1034 Harvard Ave. once owned by Barbara Beretich, the onetime grande dame of the Claremont art scene, sculptor, and influential gallery director, who died in 2018.

The ranch, often referred to as the California ranch, the American ranch, or as the rambler, is quintessential 20th century American architecture.

I hope you all saw “Widow Clicquot,” which was showing recently at our beloved Laemmle Claremont 5 theater. It is a compelling story of an 18th century innovator who took over her husband’s Champagne business, finally becoming one of France’s first celebrated female entrepreneurs. This leads me to today, as I’m excited to delve into a topic on my mind: girl bosses!

In 2026, Route 66 will turn 100. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has developed an initiative, Preserve Route 66. The National Trust is inviting anyone, community members, travelers, historians, or enthusiasts, to share their stories and photos about Route 66. They are asking for submissions about roadside attractions, treasured businesses, pieces of family history, or a personal memories. The contributions will become part of the archive of the history of Route 66, and will tell a more complete story of the iconic highway. Photo/courtesy of Claremont Heritage

After a four-hour discussion, the Claremont City Council on Tuesday approved the latest update to its sixth cycle housing element for 2021-2029 by a 3-2 vote. The housing element, a component of its general plan, is meant to inform the California Department of Housing and Community Development that the city is demonstrating compliance with state housing laws and playing its part to provide viable opportunity sites to meet state mandated housing growth targets. Courier photo/Andrew Alonzo

As of May 3, Claremont resident Bob Mendez is once again a happy customer of Southern California Edison. Eight months and six days after SCE installed an oversized remote sectional recloser at the top of a utility pole next to his home, the electric providers moved to replace the massive fixture with a downsized RSR unit meant to perform the task of switching on or off parts of the area’s electric grid during a system failure.