Claremont School News

“We uphold the right to free speech and to protest within the lines of our long-established Claremont Colleges demonstration policy. We will not permit the presence of masked, unidentified individuals on our campus refusing to show identification when asked. Nor will we stand for harassment of visitors or racial slurs shouted at college employees – all of which have taken place this week.” Photo/courtesy of Pomona College

Claremont High School English teacher Dave Chamberlain just received his 25th request from a junior in need of a recommendation for college applications. Somehow Mr. Chamberlain, who devotes 25 weekends […]

Sixth graders at Sumner Elementary School caught election fever last Friday when state Assembly candidate Chris Holden stopped by for a morning chat.  Mr. Holden, a Pasadena city councilman, is […]

Don’t give her fantasy. Don’t give her sci-fi. When it comes to reading, Barbara Cheatley, owner of Barbara Cheatley Antiques in Claremont, wants a slice of life. Most often, this […]

Local fifth and sixth graders recently got a lesson in how to turn creative ideas into concrete accomplishments when the authors of 2 popular sci-fi/fantasy series, Lisa McMann and Margaret […]

Sixth graders at Sumner Elementary School got a taste of the political process on Wednesday when Donna Lowe—a Republican candidate for the newly-redistricted 41st Assembly District—stopped by to share her […]

Students stopping by Kristin Robinson’s office are greeted by a drawing of Tinker Bell, which hangs behind the new Sumner Elementary School principal’s desk. Ms. Robinson, who will participate in […]

Math is a gate-keeper for kids. And for kids from poor neighborhoods, it can be the thing that locks them into a life of poverty.  In 2011, Claremont Graduate University, in […]

On a return trip to his native country of Ghana in 2005, Claremont commissioner Opoku Acheampong found himself rendered speechless by the vast changes to the country he left behind […]

Feminine. Edgy. Vivid.  These are words that could be used to describe the clothes on offer this year as teen girls and college-bound women prepare to start school. The summer […]

Mystery meat. Ketchup counted as a vegetable. Foods that are processed, frozen and reconstituted until they are barely recognizable.  When school lunches come to mind, the picture isn’t usually pretty. […]

The Claremont High School campus has been busier than usual this summer. Demolition continues on the CHS Theatre, and its renovation should be completed at the end of February. On […]

This is not the first time education in the Claremont Unified School District, and in the state at large, has faced an economic crisis. In 1978, Proposition 13, an amendment […]

When 536 students graduated from Claremont High School on Thursday, June 14, it was easy to view those receiving diplomas as a sea of caps and gowns. As any proud […]

While high school graduations tend to garner quite a bit of attention, the final days of the elementary school year are often overlooked. Administrators at Claremont’s primary schools, however, do […]

More than 500 students will grab a piece of the future in the form of a high school diploma during the Claremont High School graduation, set for Thursday, June 14 […]

After 29 years with the Claremont Unified School District, Chaparral Elementary School teacher Karen Corrette has been named Teacher of the Year. The only surprising thing about the honor, say […]