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CUSD after school workers ask board to spare their jobs

CUSD afterschool workers ask board to spare thei jobs

Claremont Unified School District employees with the Best Learning After School Time program hold a protest on Thursday outside the Richard Kirkendall Education Center in Claremont.

The CUSD Board of Education is scheduled to vote Thursday evening on a recommendation to lay off the BLAST employees because the district can not offer the program for the fall semester. Twenty-one part-time BLAST employees would be affected by the layoffs.

CHS graduate Todd Thornstrom, who is a children’s assistant one, grew up in Claremont, and has fond memories of attending BLAST as a student inspired him to be part of the program as an adult.

The BLAST employees say that the money the district will save is minimal since they are all part-time. As an alternative, they are asking for furloughs instead of layoffs so they can keep district benefits, which is even more important due to the pandemic.


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