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Sweet sounds of summer start again in Claremont

In addition to the Village’s Friday Nights Live, the city’s Summer Concert Series returns this Monday, July 8 with a full line up of free, live music lasting through September 2. 

Co-sponsored by the city and the Kiwanis Club, the concerts take place on Monday nights at Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd. This year, concerts will begin at 7 p.m. and run until 8:30 p.m.

The series kicks off with some Classic Rock provided by LCR and continues on Monday, July 15 with 1970s Top 40 hits performed by Cold Duck.

The Kiwanis Club will offer a variety of concessions including featured menu items each week, with proceeds benefiting the concert program. Everyone is encouraged to bring a low lawn chair or blanket to enjoy an evening out with friends and neighbors. For more information on the concert series, visit or call 399-5490.


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