Woman’s club scholarships go to high school seniors

(L-R) Scarlett Guzman, Paige Ouellette, and Alec Taquino (along with Bridget Brodie who was unable to attend) recently accepted $1,000 scholarships from the Woman’s Club of Claremont. Photo/courtesy of Woman’s Club of Claremont

The Woman’s Club of Claremont recently awarded merit scholarships to four Claremont Unified School District high school seniors.

The awardees, Claremont High School’s Paige Ouellette, Scarlett Guzman, and Bridget Brodie along with Alec Taquino of San Antonio High School, were chosen for the $1,000 award on the basis of academic achievement and community involvement.

For more information, visit womansclubofclaremont.com or email info@womansclubofclaremont.com.


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